How Dare I

How dare I?
Yes how dare I be sorry,
sorry for moving on a year after we broke up,
How dare I be strong and move on.
How dare I be able to laugh and be happy.
Thats not an emotion I am allowed to have.
How dare I not think of you everytime I make a choice.
I forgot my life revolvs around you.
How dare I not think how things affect you.
How dare I let you date my best friend,
and let you two date for a year.
How dare I not hate myself.
I have so many flaws for you point out,
How dare I think of actually loving myself.
How dare I try to live,
life is only for people like you right?
How dare I have friends that care
If you can't have friends I shouldn't have them right?
How dare I decide that for once in my life,
I am worthy to be myself.
How dare I be friends with the girl i've known since 6th grade
Shes your girlfriend first right?
How dare I be human and make mistakes,
We are all perfect right?
How dare I not meet the standards you set for me,
I am just here to please you right?
How dare I speak my mind,
My thoughts aren't worthy of you.
How dare I finally forgive myself for everything.
How dare I!
♠ ♠ ♠
My ex from last year decided that I am the absolute worst person who has ever walked the face of the earth becasue I broke up with him, I am best friends with his girlfriend, and I moved on. I said sorry and He told me to go fuck myself and I cried and he later harrassed me about all my flaws and how everything I have done since we broke up affected him and I cried and Then He said at the end How dare you! so this is for him.