Chained in Place

Chained in place.
Unable to move from this place.
A stone with words edged into it, that read the words “Live your days here and no where else.” Words that sicken the weak and makes the weak hearted cry.
Those word’s mean nothing, but a challenge to brake the chains and walk away from this dismal place.
Chained to this place for so long, trees over head have become nothing, but dark ash figures reaching out to the sky.
Birds screech at one another, they sing no songs in their voices.
Stone walls places with windows, that give barely light to see.
No one comes here anymore, they all left long ago-but one.
This one chained in one place to watch over it, never able to leave-never to be free.

Pull and sway this way and that to brake the chains, but they wont break still!Scream of anger, of hating this place for being alone and told not to go anywhere.
Those words on that slab that read “Live your days here and no where else.” Spat at over and over again, trying to make them leave completely-but they won’t.

Life is dismal, to this one placed for all their days to stand in place. Not able to leave no matter how many times they pull on the chains and ask them to break-they do no such thing.

Darkness is given a new meaning of this place.
A storm like no other will come ten fold.
Rain falls through the cracks of the walls,
Lightning seen through the windows, as it touches down on the trees, caching so many of them on fire.

Pull back on the chains, pulling them back so far, that they move just a little where they are held down.
Praying so much to become free, as the storm becomes more fears then ever before.
“Free me, I ask this with all of my heart!”

Thunder fills the silence, after screaming out a prayer.
Nothing but dead silence.
“Free me, I ask this with all of my heart!”

Light fills the sky, with a violent power surge of light, breaking the chains; freeing the chained one.
Run away! Run away as fast as you can to leave it all be hind!
It will all be gone and you will be free forever, of never having to see it again.
Don’t look back, look forward to a new life with true life and voices that are happy, sad, angry and sinning birds.
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I was sort of, in a bad mood when I wrote this a few months ago.