IV-V: And He Said "The whole worlds out to get me..."

So he sent a daring message
Of which I'd worried about
So I called him.
And he cried.
And I herd him on the other line.
Heard him snap his rubber bands...
I'd looked down at the ones around my wrists
As the tears filled my eyes
But I wasn't going to cry.
For his sake.
And of course he asked if I were.
I was silent, and I had sniffled.
It was my allergies but he didn't know how close to it I was.
So I concealed the truth in a lie.
And I told a joke and we laughed.
We talked and shared smiles.
And I talked him down
He seemed alright.
But then he was tired so I hung up.
And I hoped that he was okay
I hoped that it wasn't a show.
One that I was oh so familiar with
I hoped it was real.
And that maybe for a minute he was happy.
That he could sleep.
That he could dream peacefully
Although I'd never know.
But I can suspect...
And I hope I'm wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
This goes out to a friend. I'm half hoping he sees this half hoping he doesn't. Whatever. I don't even know what I'm doing with things anymore.