Poets and Dreamers

They say that poets are like dreamers,
They are right,
Poets write about what is in their heart,
Their perception of things,
What it really is like,
Describe something in an interesting angle,
They tell a story in a way,
Help uncover what is truly there,
Uncover the world,
Uncover the beauty,
This lies beneath it all,
Something to smile about on this planet,
Dreamers wish what they would like,
Like Charlie Chaplin,
To dream is to wish,
To write poetry is to reflect,
And to say it like it is.
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©You may not copy or steal this poem and idea. Poem by Kreistina Blinova.

Hope you enjoyed this poem, and if you did, you can check out my website for more. My first poetry chapbook is now available for free!