Where Darkness Clings

Darkness clings were light doesn't linger
Breath struggles were air is depleted
I'm siting by the window staring at the waves of sorrow, forgiveness and love
That crash in to are lives like title waves crash into buildings
And down the way fair away children play in tall Fields were corn is made
its so sad to know that innocence will never make it past 13
In a world were childhood fantasy's cant only run so deep
And its scare to see how evil people can be when they justify it by how life treats them
Darkness clings were light cant be
Clinging like a leach feasting till the hart beat of the world is deceased
And its so sad to think worms can drown in puddles created by cloud games
And why is it we get so lonely at night
Fare from childhood yet to young to sleep alone
Is it fear of the unknown drawing us close
Or human nature to want to pull the covers close
And why dose sympathy seem to control all that we do
When sympathy cant do nothing for no one
I hate to think of the day when night is all i see
A starlight world that can look so bleak and gray
What dose the universe hold for lonely souls traveling down broken rodes
I guess well never know
Why darkness clings were light cant be