356 More.

I dont know what made me stay.
The life of my sisters, my friend, or the people that pray?
Last year alone
I almost was gone
356 times in all
No matter the pain, nor the game
I would always in the end begin to fall

Lets go to a new beginning
where all the pain and sadness is ending
Where there is no suicide and self-harm
everyone is always alarmed
watching out for the others
as if we were all sisters and brothers

New beginnings
Where we do get a do over
no matter if we were a drunk or forever sober

Beginning the fading of pain,
Thats the beginning I want to parade.

If your like me,
you can surely see
why I feel this way
If you threaten to take your life,
with a sharp knife
Because of the pain you gain,
you'll surely want to live here
Where all the pain and fears forever go away
♠ ♠ ♠