I Don't Want to Drive

i don't want to drive because i'll be more alone
i'll wake up early every morning and have no one to say goodbye to
i'll leave with no one to greet me and say they missed me as soon as i open the car door

i don't want to drive because there will be no where to go
i'm no ones handpicked blanket or sweater on a cold Saturday afternoon
i usually stay within the depths of my sheltered will

i don't want to drive because i'll be a source of favor
Hurrying out to the market to rescue the forgotten milk
leaving at 10 to pick up my good for nothing brother from his tomb

i don't to drive because i'm just one step closer to failure
All my values will be shattered as i have to pursue a backbone

I don't want to drive because i'll have no excuse for going no where
i won't have any excuse for lingering the perimeter of my own shell
and for the paleness of my olive skin never hitting the sun

i don't want to drive because i'll be more alone than ever
and the desire to be alone will fade
but the feeling of being alone will linger