The Woman I am

The woman I am,
Puts an extensive amount of cosmetics on my face to hide slight imperfections
The woman I am,
is weak and frail, and tries desperately to make sure no person knows this.
The woman I am,
is in constant need for approval from those who don't matter to me
The woman I am,
Makes competition with others over things that are frivolous as well as temporary
The woman I am,
Cries at things that make me happy and doesn't at things that sadden me
The woman I am,
Observes my own appearance as well as everyone else's
The woman I am,
Takes it to heart when you say something that isn't even significant
The woman I am,
Prays on my knees and stumbles when trying to speak
And the woman I am,
Knows there are things much bigger and better than myself, but seems to forget it most of the time.