How Can I Breathe

How can i breathe
why should i get up

why should i get dressed
why should i floss

i should stay in bed
let days pass me by

i'm sure you see i am sad
do you dare ask why?

an angel has lost her love
for one she holds dear

or should i say its been hidden
by doubts and by fear

by dirty things done
to one so clean

how can people do to her
things that are so mean

i try to smile
put on a brave face

promise to love her
take shelter in that empty space

for we've both been done wrong
her more so than I

can count how many times
i've seen her cry

damaged by others
she is now afraid to love

so she pushes away
hides like a black painted dove

but no matter how painted she is
its just that, paint

her feathers will always be white
that is something no man can taint
♠ ♠ ♠
wrote this with out skipping a beat, just words flowing from my mind to my hands. not looking for comments. just wanted to write how i feel instead of punching walls etc