Reasonable Things

The only reason I sat next to the window
Was the plug there to charge my phone
I did not realise I had no battery
Until I was alone

The only reason I didn’t talk to you
Is that I thought it might be weird
You looked like you might be friendly
But things seemed a bit unclear

The only reason I am wearing jeans
Is that I can never be bothered to shave
It takes too long and I don’t mind the hair
And so I see no reason to feel any shame

The only reason I haven’t eaten lunch
Is that I can go and eat at home
Instead of being watched and judged
I’d rather eat a meal on my own

The only reason I let my hair down
Is so that I can hide behind the strands
Also it keeps my ears a bit warm
And gives me something to do with my hands

The only reason I’m wearing headphones
Is that that’s what other people do
I’m not actually listening to any music
But then, neither are you

The only reason that I am smiling
Is that I searched my wrist to check the time
I don’t have a watch and usually use my phone
So I guess the mistake is mine

The only reason that I write poetry
Is that no one ever told me not to
These are just a few reasons out of many
For a few things that I sometimes do