Summer Air

Summer heat so hot you can see it.
A minute in the thick air
Sends beads of sweat trickling
down your face; just dripping.

A thick cloud of warm oppression
Suffocating; slowly squeezing
Until you're no longer breathing.

A gentle brush of warmth
Does nothing to soothe the burn
It only fuels the raging fire

Twisting and turning, you search
Looking for any reprieve
And suddenly it's there

Like a much needed breath of fresh air
You step into the shadow
And the cold encases you in it's arms

Air; fresh, cold air.
Like a cool drink of water
In the Mojave.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this while sitting outside; I just closed my eyes and let the thick, summer air embrace me and I realized rather quickly that it was stifling out and very humid, making it hard to breathe.