
Have you ever sat around just waiting for him to call
You want to hear is voice on the other end
His slow steady breathing
And you know that the words he says
Are all true
Little specs of glitter
You have not seen anything like it

Do his eyes let you know what he is thinking
Are they windows into his soul
Two diamonds
A couple of chimeras
Bound together
And you just know

His skin, is it a dream
Soft as talc
Brushing it slowly with your fingers
Cant you feel it
Almost electricity

Those lips
The crevice of a dream
Sad but powerful
Unafraid to lead you
Can you taste it
His heart
as he presses them to yours
Soft innocence growing wings
Taking you to a high

Aren’t his hands warm
As they curl around yours
Do his long fingers tickle
Do they protect
You know that he’d fight for you
Throw a fist at anyone
Who’d dare to disrespect you
You are his

You want him badly
He is your drug
And you sit there with the phone
Biting your nails
Flipping through television channels
And the only thing that’d make you happy
Is hearing his voice
And knowing that he was
Thinking about you.