The Sun and Moon

Once long ago, lived the Sun and Moon

They were lovers, a divine sort of love they shared.

They spent their waking hours with the other

So caught up in the other ones web, they only saw each other.

But this world is a cruel, bitter place

A place where a sublime feeling such as love is never allowed to breath sweet air.

One evening while the Sun was so caught up in the fair maiden that was the Moon, he was taken from her

Oh, how the Moon wept that day

Her poor heart shattered into two.

To the Moon, the Sun was like the only light in the darkness

Her own personal warmth she did gain from him.

The Sun wept that day as well

The Moon was his beautiful nightingale, her song he did crave

Oh how the Earth shook with their sorrow that fateful day.

The Sun chased the Moon, her touch, her very being he did crave

The Moon chased the Sun, so alone was she, her heart fragmented.

To this day, the Sun still chases the Moon, the Moon the Sun

If you stop to listen, just for a moment, you can hear their anguished cries

One calling out to the other.