I Was Right In Front Of You

He was all she ever wanted
A muscians, that shy quite type
Somethings different, something slow
And maybe something now
He never said he wanted her too
But it got around
But he never got around too it

All there ever was
Was this

He smiled
He talked to her friends fondly of her
When it came to the IMing
He was nothing but a blank screen
With clouds rolling behind
She said she was trying
Trying to look behind those blue eyes
But all she saw was
Nothing but clouds

He said he gets nervous around her
Sweating and not knowing what to do
So all he types is a one word answer
And exits out of the screen
He runs his fingers through his hair
Wondering what to say next
Next thing he knows
She's offline, tried of his games

It all gets too much for her
She can only say 'hi' so many times a day
She can only say ' So, what's new with you'
So many times
It's hard enough working up the courage
But when it all spirals it's just too much
She's gonna stop her hello's for a day

In the end it's all silence
No second glanced
Second stares
Second chances
He got nervous
She got scared
He got over it and left it
She was under-prepared
For his plan to undertake
Them as an us
Us as an item
He couldn't see the good thing right in front of him
'Cause there were nothing but clouds

If you could've pushed through those billowing clouds
What would you have done?
What would you have seen?
Where would you have gone?
You might've gone somewhere with her
Somewhere, where holding hands and butterflies live
If you didn't just back away from the storm
What could have happended?
What could have been made into something beautiful?
If you just looked on
Beyond the clouds
What do you think you would have seen?