
When you smile
The air feels lighter;
The atmosphere's brighter.
My eyes open wide
And my mouth spreads wide
And I feel myself
Smiling along with you.
You're contagious,
So infectious,
Showing your beauty
In everything you do.

When you laugh,
The air feels lighter;
The atmosphere's brighter.
I find myself grinning
With everyone, grinning,
And I feel myself
Laughing along with you.
You're contagious,
So infectious,
Showing your beauty
In everything you do.

When you speak,
The air feels lighter;
The atmosphere's brighter.
I can't stop listening -
I'm always listening -
And I feel myself
Speaking along with you.
You're contagious,
So infectious,
Showing your beauty
In everything you do.

When you look at me,
The air feels lighter;
The atmosphere's brighter.
I feel myself looking
When no one else is looking,
Looking along with you.
You're contagious,
So infectious,
Showing your beauty
In everything you do.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's almost a song, but not quite.