They Never Realize...

They never realize that small things hurt people.

That the heart is no stone

But just a framework of soft walls

That the pumping blood is not only for life

But for feelings too

That maybe you don't get what i feel

But i shed tears for it

Maybe your words were fun

But feelings for me

Maybe you thought i don't get it

But i very well do

Maybe you were not the one

But i made the mistake of choosing you

Maybe you cared about the wealth

But not the health of what is left behind

Maybe you think i don't get i

But your every smile is familiar

If its real or fake

If its just because you hate me...

Because you hate me

I never knew you could be so bad

Cause my heart to break in pieces

I trusted you and my trust is broken

Once again

I have nowhere to go

Where should i go?

I have no one by my side

Maybe those are the side effects of being good

Of trusting people

And now i am between the devil and the deep sea

If i be bad i have haters

If i be good i have plotters

I am stuck

I am falling

I have lost everything

And now i cannot gain it

I Cannot Gain It....