The End

Hello, my good friend.
My best regards
Is what I send
To you

I just want you to know
We may not talk very much
So I'm putting on a show
For you to enjoy as such

We call it the Revenge Plot
The truest of words for this
Is exactly what we have sought
It's like a metaphorical bliss
And we have given it much thought
Me and my internal friend
For this show we have fought

It goes a little something like...

I know what you've done
And you may not know it
You're underneath the gun
But your lack of knowledge doesn't show it

We have been thinking for days
Of all of the possible ways
To block out the sunshine rays
Why don't I act out the plays

The dirt beneath my feet
Shuffles away
Digging a hole of deceit for..
Your soul to stay

I will make your life a living hell
Your wishes at the bottom of the well
When I'm done nobody can tell
You have made me a shadowy shell

It's safe to say that this is the time
That I bury you without a rhyme..
May you rest in piece
Or rather..
In fucking pieces!!

I will make you believe that I am your God..
There is nothing for you now
You fucked with my life..
And this will be how
I put you down by the knife!

I know who you are!!
And I know where you sleep
You are never too far!!
Your life for me to reap!

I will splatter your brains..
Across my apartment..
Painting the world with my hate!
And as the gloomy sky rains
The lumber department
The wood chipper is your fate!!

I am the type of man
That doesn't even need to lift a finger
To make you suffer and die
I have no real plan
But for my hate to forever linger
Scream as loud as you can!!

At the end of the day..
I will bathe in your insides
You do not fuck with a man
Who has otherworldly insights

I hear the voices again...
Begging me to kill..
This time I will give in
Your lifeless body still..

So just so you know
My dear friend
I'm putting on a show
Displaying your end...