Bullet Wounds and Broken Hearts II: The Last Draw

Here she is again.
Another story and a different end.

For years no shot had been fired.
At this point in time, she was just too tired.

She had cracked red lips, and
The gun no long on her hip.

The bullet wounds never bled.
The bangs, shots, and pain were all in her head.

Broken hearts; always the victim.
She felt so stupid for thinking she could fix him.

Trick sweet strangers into falling in love.
His dirty hands were covered by stolen leather gloves.

She can't believe it has came to this.
But now it was time to fire
And she'd be damned if she missed.

The wind howled to do it.
Both pistols fire
One miss; one hit.
That's what happened to the liar.

The deed was done,
And she was thankful that she no longer had to run.

Blue eyed strangers don't exist anymore,

Bullet Wounds

The blood of the prophecy no longer pours.

This departure was never going to be sweet.

Broken Hearts

No longer will they beat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello everyone! Wow it's been forever. I really don't have anything to say. This piece is long overdue so here it is. Maybe there'll be a 3rd part.