
I'm oversosing,
I'm shaking,
I'm trembking,
Lights are flashing before my eyes,

I can see life,
Flashing before my eyes,
Sweat dripping from my face,
Could this be it?

Puking in the garbage,
I did ten stamps,
Did I go too far?
My breaths are shortening,

I'm so itchy,
I can't see straight,
I can barely walk,
My chest hurts,

Will I survive the night?
Will Iive to see another day?
I'm sorry mom and dad,
I let you down again,

Hopefully I can say sorry,
I am and always was,
A horrible son,
I'm just a wreck,

I know I wanted to die,
But like this?
No, not like this,
Someone please save me,

For I am too weak,
I am a pushover,
I lowly drug-addicted loser,
Oh god why did I let this hapen,

I can't even swallow my own spit,
I can't even see,
I'm not even typing this,
I'm quietly mumbling,

I don't deserve to live,
One more bag,
And I'm done,
I'm dead,

I'm so far gone,
When will this pain stop!
I'm sick of this,
I'm sick of everything,

Life isn't worth living,
When everyday is a struggle,
When everyday is pain and failure,
People have it worse then me,
Then why do I always feel this fucking pain!