Starting Downhill Again

Here I go again
Falling into what I believe to be hell
It's so fucking hot, you'd think you're being burned alive
No... Hell isn't that easy
It wants you to feel the pain
It wants you to believe that everything is all wrong

Here I am...
Struggling to breathe
Struggling to hold on to my sanity
Why does the world play such mind games with me
Why can't it let me be

I feel like I'm slipping...
Far from time
Away from others
Digging into the dark thoughts I once had
I can feel the cold metal getting closer
I can feel Satan's breathe against my pale skin
You can hear it is trying to tease the hell out of me

Satan is mean...
It will let you think your life is over
Until it puts you back into reality
Only reason I know this,
Because I hear the tears of people crying
I can feel the hustling of busy people
I can taste the blood in my mouth
I can smell the gas within the car...
Opening my eyes...
I see that I was given all the pain....
All the anger..
All the regret that has been burying me...
I think...
Satan is making a game out of me
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! Sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time. I've been busy with my personal life but I will be trying to come back to writing.... Hope I can get some feedback and ideas.