Ocean Love

She is beautiful
In the way the ocean is
No makeup, just her

The sea is not scared
To bare its true nature form
With waves and fishes

And care for all wild
She is very much the same
And cares for the tame

She is powerful
In the way the ocean is
With waves, so calming

Peaceful yet forceful
Yields power that may destroy
Or bring life to me

She brings peacefulness
To my heart, searching for love
I watch the tide roll

In, out, always there
Unlike my breath, always out
Taken by both

She is so distant
In the way the ocean is
The painful knowledge

That both shall never
My wandering heart's thirst, it
Drinks the salt water

And like in real life
It only makes me
Thirsty for much more
♠ ♠ ♠
This has multiple stanzas, though a former teacher of mine said multiple stanzas in haikus are acceptable.