The Black Parade is Dead? Never!

You say the Black Parade is dead
That it will never live on
It's always going to be in our hearts
You my friend are wrong

The Black Parade is what kept me alive
It is what kept me sane
And now to see it go so quickly
really is a shame

I started off welcoming the black parade
And was proud to 'The End'
Now it's time for it to sleep
Saying goodbye is like a cut
which is way to deep

Somethings happen for a reason
Like Gerard dying his hair white
I sure do remember my reaction
Boy! that was a sight! =)

The Black Parade sadly did not carry on
But it will remain in our hearts
Frankie, MIkey, Gerard, Ray and Bob
Everytime I think about saying goodbye
It makes me want to sob

But now my friends it is over
The Black Parade is through
Gerard once said this album
Is like telling the world 'FUCK YOU!'