Leave me alone!

There's something down there

we're searching the streets.

A crime over there

It gives us the creeps

I don't want to go

Let's leave the scene

I remember the leaves

I remember my screams.

I've lost my ghost in this place

I told you I don't care to feel the burn

You promised to set me free of this place

Why do you want me to return?

I'm running now

There's no way out

I told you I want to forget

You can leave town

leave me with doubt

You wonder why I always fret.

It's crashing on me

You did hear my screams

I hate you!

Why didn't you do anything?

You heard me cry

You let me die

It was you all along

Don't sing me a song.

I have to go

from all I know

I'm all alone

I feel the cold

I go back to the forest

I'm a little girl again

My ghost is still twelve

with eyes that are frightened

I touch her hand

she flies away

I smile at this

Good bye I say

More tears to brighten my face

I wish for my own embrace.

I write about this

I still feel sad

Just go away

Don't drive me mad

Up and away I'll fly

In search of blissful sky~