
I miss you when you're gone,
The time is to long,
I see you on the rare occasion,
Yet it is not enough,
I sit and wait,
For the time to come,
So I can hold you in my arms,
Pull you close to me.

I just want to sit there,
With you,
Even if it is in silence,
Watching the sunset,
Sitting on the top of a hill,
Over looking the ocean,
Seeing the reflections blinking up at us,
From the depths of the water below,
On a cool summers night.

I wonder,
What could possibly cause such thought,
Then I remember,
I have liked you for ages,
I remember,
I never stopped caring about you,
But loved you enough,
To want you to move on,
Start a new life,
A life for all your hearts desires.

I wanted you to have the life you deserve,
Somehow it has traced hopeful happiness,
Back to an old friend you have always cared about,
That old friend wants to bring happiness to you,
That old friend happens to be non other,
Than me..