
a heart thats left in shambles
is one primarily the beholder can cure
loving another does not complete you heart
throwing everything you've gained away
at the first sign of that beaming horizon
when a storm knocks you off track
memory and misery will be all you are left with
the steps you take today
are like a bloodstained footprint trail behind you
only one person can make you feel
fucking everyone that isn't him
will fling you into a game your not ready to play
they'll spoon feed these lies
until you walk into the trap
backside first
if hate in this instance was considerable
why would i write a warning song?
your company can still make me cringe
doesnt mean i enjoy your sinful decline
friend made of gold so pure
that you dare to cast aside
this fame you play
written by none other than yourself
stretches her limbs
now she's too frail too break
she will no longer try to have you stand
your ragdoll bones of fluff fall within seconds
without a key we set ourselves free
from the fool's gold cuffs you've bound us.