Where is HE?

Where is the boy who loves me because I'm beautiful?
Where is the boy who says that when his lips touch mine,
everything in the world just seems so right?
I need that boy.

I need the guy who loves me becuase he actually couldn't live without me.
The guy that says without me, life wouldn't be worth living.
The guy that tells me that without me, the whole world would be a little less bright.
Where is the guy whose reason to live is to hold me in his arms when I cry?
Where is the guy that takes PRIDE in loving me?
I need that guy.

The man that believes with all his heart that I am the most dazzling thing God ever put on this earth even when I'm having the worst of days.
Where is the man who wants to show me the world, show me the light, no matter what it takes?
Where is the man who lives to kiss me on the forehead while I sleep?