A Simple I Love You

So many actions where reasons are left untold
Why I loved you and why I cared?
If you were just going to leave me there
Alone with myself, with no one else
Waiting for death to come get me himself
Waiting to plead for him to take my life
But he'll never do it, because its not me who deserves to die
It's you my friend, wiht your brown beautiful eyes
And your handsome smile that used to brighten my skies
I can't watch you go, I dont want to see you off
For he has something brutal planned for you, and I just can't bear to watch
I used to love you and I think I still do
But after what you did to me? You know what forget you
I've waited too long to hear those words
Waited too long to hear you say them to me, but you never said them back
I would've accepted them any other day
But now? Oh but now? They only lead to your dismay
For a simple 'I Love You' would've saved your life
But you chose to cheat and you chose to lie
And now all I have for you is a simple "Goodbye'