
People always pretend things are alright
they hide beind masks
masks of happyness
masks of sorrow
masks of dreams
masks of beauty
masks of disfigurment
masks of lies
masks of anything and everything
the lies that we have crated are out bain
the lies that we live are unescapable
the lies that follow us are our lives
a seris of lies
because tell the truth
I know you have lied
and if you say never
now you have lied
may be without realising it
may be to save yourself embaresment
may be because you were scared
may be because you did not want to hurt them
may be because you wanted to hurt them
may be because you wanted to be different
may be, just may be for some reason you lied
every one has
don't let it bug you
I hate to lie
I probably lie everyday
may be i don't
I hate masks
Yet I hide behind them
the securit they provide
the love they provide
the life they provide
is so much better
so don't feel guilty
masks are everywhere
just try to show a little bit of your face
not all of it just a bit