It Doesn't Matter

It doesn't matter what evolves around you,
It doesn't matter if you have cancer,
It doesn't matter if love her too,
You have to enjoy every second of life that you still have with you.

It doesn't matter if it's important or not,
It doesn't matter if i die or not,
Make sure your safe first instead of others,
Life is shorter than you think it is.

People may think every thing is as easy as 123,
But those people are wrong,
You got to earn what you want in life to get it.

If you think you should die,
And you don't believe yourself,
That thing will happen,
And you will regret that day forever more.

As gods rule don't have a baby before marage,
He's right enjoy your life while your young,
If you have a baby in an early age your just ruining your future for you and your baby.

So enjoy life as it is and always be thankful for what has god brought upon you.
(forever more)