A lettter unmailed

Dear ____________,

You ruined it! You destroyed it all! With just the look I received from you. Don't tell me I missed that look! You read the words, you got them on paper. Printed and finial. They are yours alone, not my words, I could never say anything back. Just gaze into your eyes, you were an idol of mine, someone you'd wanna be. But underneath what I thought was true potential turned and bit me. You bit me. Why do I over react? Why do i feel like everything I do now is being criticized by you? You stop me now. I am done. I am giving up. You've won. You know how to get me. Most would consider you as a fellow sister. Since your beliefs and mine are alike. Since we are alike. Is that why I grow so feared when walking into a room where you a present? Or are you an intimidator? Lashing out at me when I feel most weak. You remind me of a past that I wished I have forgotten. Do you know what it's like to always say you're sorry? For everything I do I say it back to you. You have trained me to abandon myself. I have left what I was, and I tell you it's for the better. When it's for the worse. I could give this to you, I could show you how much you have scarred me. And with one word. You could call me anything you want. But I am not changing my mind. I will not say sorry one more time. Okay, I lied, I will if I must. Cause I wanted us to become something else. And I messed that up. Thank you again, for your most kindest words of all.!Regretfully Forever Yours.

P.S. I just needed to get this off my chest.............it's been forever (yeah right, forever)