
Look forward not back,
You never know what might attack.
Think about your future,
Because you con not change you past.
Don’t dream up the impossible.
It will only break your heart.

Look for the line between family and friends,
It is really so different from the line between love and hate.
All you want is to be loved,
But how can you be loved if you hate everything you are?

Don’t come to me for advice!
I have to live my own life.
You asked what I think,
You never really wanted my opinion.

Why did you blame me for the advice?
I only told you to live your own life!
I don’t want to hear it.
I’m tired of your lies!

No more lies, so here’s the truth.
It was only advice.
You never had to trust it!
Don’t call me irresponsible.
Yeah, welcome to my nightmare!