
Why would you do this to me? I would never have believed in a million years that you would have ever hurt me like this. Why wasn't I good enough? I gave you everything I could. I gave you my whole heart. I gave you all the love I had. I even gave you "myself" for nearly 4 years! Because we loved eachother, or at least because i loved you. Anyone who knows me or talks to me, knows that you meant everything to me. You were my whole world. Why wasn't that good enough.

You said last year, that it wasn't me. Did you actually think i would believe that? Maybe you believe it wasn't me, but i sure as hell don't. I hate myself for whatever it was that i did! I am mad, but not at you, i'm furious at myself.

Did you ever really love me? I felt like you did. I still do in my heart. Did you really think i was the girl of your dreams? I hope you did. Was i really the best thing that ever happened to you? Maybe you thought i was, but i sure as hell don't. Did you ever really care?

Do you still love me in some way, like you said you always would? Do you still care? Do you feel guilty? Do you ever think about me, when your out with your friends? When your at a party? When your getting drunk? When your getting high? Do you think about me when you lay down to sleep at night? Are you ever reminded of me by a song you might hear on the radio? Is there ever a scene in a movie, that reminds you of something we once shared? Do you ever maybe look at something i gave you, and wonder what it would have been like if you still loved me? Do you hurt or feel guilty when you think of me, or read my messages?

What do you think or feel when you read the words saying, this is killing me inside? Does it even cross your mind that this is making me sick? That i feel like i've been stabbed in the heart? That you took the pieces of my heart that you broke a year ago, and broke them too till there is nearly nothing left? That if it ever does heal, there will always be ugly, painful scars left? That i can't sleep good? That my stomach feels sick and burns with the pain of knowing that i won't be the one you spend the rest of your life with?

After being in love with me for nearly 3 years, and knowing that i've been in love with you for over 4... how could you do this to me? Why are you doing this to me?!