The Maze of Doom

I'm in a maze,
a dark, deep maze,
filled with twists and turns,
doors, paths, entrances, exits,
they all pass me by,
which one is the way out?

There shouldn't be a single sound,
other than my raspy breathing,
my footsteps,
yet there is,
as if I'm out in the open,
squinting at the bright sunlight.

The sound of birds chirping,
children laughing,
The buzzing sound fills my ears,
yet I can't see them.
all I can see is the darkness.

"Hello" I call out.
"Is Anybody There?"
Will anyone, someone, answer my pleas?

The sounds of the birds chirping,
children laughing,
they all vanish suddenly,
as if they weren't there

Then I can hear,
someone else's breathing,
in the darkness,
I'm not alone.

Realisation strikes me,
there is no way out,
I am doomed to walk forever in this deep, dark, maze,
and the only fate that awaits me,
Is death.