
We come out at night,
We sleep all day.
We hide in the shadows
While we hunt out prey.

We fallow almost invisibly,
Watching your every move.
Watching… waiting
For you to be alone
Waiting for you to go down
A dark alley.

When you finally do,
We follow silently.
You must have felt our presence
For you turned around.

‘Hello,’ you whispered,
Scared out of your wits.
We step out of the shadows
Into the small light that
Flooded into the alley
From the moon.
We smile sweetly at you
Not showing you our teeth,
Our fangs.

Our smiles must have calmed you
For we saw your muscles
Relax underneath the clothing.
We hypnotize you with our graceful walk.

You not even realizing
You were in trouble.