Short lived Second Chances

I can't fight this anymore
As the tears flow down my cheeks
I feel like giving up up right now
Let the blood bleed
I just need to stay here, alone
Without the worries or fears

To trace the veins down my arm
As it twists around marvelously
To read the labels of the bottles
The everyday pills
Mixed with those in the drawers.
The liquor cabinet
How I've never noticed
The locks popped off so easily.

I guess this proves, one last thing
You really can succeed at something
If you put your mind to it
I had never wanted something so much
Though this revelation
Sparks something new
Maybe I could prove
I'm so much stronger than you

If only I didn't use the whiskey
To swallow so many pills
Or succumbed to the razorblades
I now held still
I could live out
My second chance