This is my letter of forgiveness.

To my mother, im sorry for all the tears and pain,
Im sorry for disappointing you over and over again.
Im sorry for all the nights you cried yourself to sleep
Im sorry for all the secrets I made you keep.
Please forgive me.

To my sister, im sorry for hurting you so,
I had so much anger I didn’t let go,
You were right and I was wrong,
We never did get along,
Please for give me.

To every one else in my life,
Im sorry for causing you so much misery and strife,
Im sorry for messing up your lives,
But I did what I had to do tonight
Please forgive me.

And Finally,
To my teachers and to my school,
I know what I did was so not cool,
But the kids pushed me way too far,
My level of violence raised the bar,
So I did my dirty deed,
And I planned my evil scheme,
I took innocent lives that day,
All because I was having a bad day.

This is my letter of forgiveness,
This is all I have to say
This is my letter of forgiveness,
Good night my friends,
And good day.