The Journey

This is the beginning.
The guitars are starting up,
The drums begin to build,
The bassist is keeping rhythm,
And the Singer is not yet doing what he does best.

This is the beginning.
The song has just begun.
You stand still for a moment,
Before letting out a silent scream of applause in your head.
You continue on your way, on your journey,
Silent, but always...always listening.

This is the middle.
The vocals have begun,
The guitars are blaring in a heavenly bliss that one can only hear,
The drums are loudly playing,
The bass is almost silently thumping along.

You hum along with your favorite tune.
In your head you are screaming in uproarious happiness,
But still on your journey, you continue.

And this is the end.
The bass is finished,
The drums are gone,
The chorus has long since been sung,
The last notes if the guitar are still ringing.

This is the end.
And yet you continue,
Ever traveling,
Ever on your journey.