Your Poem

I wish I could write a poem that could tell you all the ways I feel
A hundred million words
Across one page

A poem that could tell you all the things I've loved about you
All the people that you've touched
and all the ways

Think of all the moments that we've shared and that we've lost
All the memories that we've cried
Just you and I

These things would hide in words, in pages, in long letters
That would tell the world the truth;
bare the lie

If this poem did exist I would mail up to you
and together we would read it
one last time

You'd laugh at all my phrases and you'd tell me I was lost
But undernieth you would love it
roll and rhyme

You'd hide it from your friends and you'd lie to me about it
and I'd let you lie because I'd know
this we share

Untill late one night you'd find it as you're drifting off to sleep
the poem that I failed to write
To show I care
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is beautiful to me mostly because it suggests tragedy and longing. It feels like it's trying to tell you something without actually getting the message across and I think that's really the point. So much emotion goes into a one sided love that it seems to distract from what you were actually aiming for in the first place. Therefore this is one of my all time favorites along with "The Card Collector" to best express some of the most emotionally charged times in life.