Words Affect Everything

The words you lashed out
in pain and hurt of pride
Struck an already damaged nerve

The tone of your voice
and the timing of when you said it
made the damage even worse

And in the instant they left your mouth
It hit me just how true they were
And that made the pain even worse

The instant the last syallable crossed your lips
I could see it in your eyes
that you really didn't think that of me
That the words weren't born
of true resentment, but out of frustration
And that you regreted
not just saying it but more importantly how you said it

But the damage was already done
Not really because you said the words
But more because I realized
just how true they were
And I realized that you really
are a good guy
That I had finally found
someone worth giving all of myself to
unlike the guys who just took a big part of me without asking

Then I made the damage multiply in strength
by the way I reacted
And caused you to feel like shit
but then how was I supose to act?
I mean you caused me to reevaluate our whole dynamic
And I realized just how amazing you really are

And I'm still amazed at the way you handled it
you aced that test, if it were an actual planned one
Just when I thought I had lost you
you acted like the amazing understanding guy you are