Promises Are Vunerable.

We said we'd be forever.
Two soulmates brought together.
But then that slut came along.
And stole your heart, however.

Two years later, Around September.
She threw you out into the rain.
She told you, "I've met someone else",
Now, how do you like the pain?

You knocked on my door, drenched.
Around half three that night.
You told me of your "Heart-felt" tale,
I told you where you could stick it.

You see, life was just fine now.
I'd worked it all out.
I didn't need you anymore,
Because, I was back on track.

I realised I could live without you,
A life that was all my own,
I don't want my heart broken again,
Because let's face it:

It doesn't mean much to you, does it?