
There comes a point in one’s life
Where you sit down and think
About what to do next
And which way to turn

You start to think about your home
And all the exotic places you could go.
But then you may think about next-door-but-one
The moon, Paris, Tokyo and New York

You think about your life
And say that you only have 85 years left
It may seem a lot, but heck! It aint
Eight decades or maybe tomorrow

The next thing that comes to mind is how you can help
The government tell us to recycle
And to keep away from drugs (marijuana)
Heard the phrase: lead by example?

Your heroes and influences; next on the agenda
Mum, dad, god, wrestler or actor
No matter whom it is,
You’re going to learn something

Next; just getting through the damn thing! XD
Life this, life that; take a day at a time
Take it all in your stride
And you’ll do just fine

When these things run through your head,
Just remember-you’re still young
Don’t plan for the future: