Tears And Emotions

I hate how people think I am made of two emotions
Happiness and bitchiness

Its not true.
I have other emotions
I know hate
I know anger
I know joy
I know sadness

I can be mean
I can feel remorse
I feel bad for what I say

I can't hold grudges
I hate being mad at a friend
I cry when a friend hates me

I cry when I read
I cry when I listen to music
I cry all the time

I know the salty bitter taste of tears
I know the choking feeling in my throat
I know the heaviness on my chest
I know sting of the tears
I know tears

Alot of people say they don't cry
But its probally not true
Tears come to people often
Whether they like it or not

I'm not a robot
I have emotions
I get angry
I get happy
I get sad

I hate people who think that just because I shrug it off
That means they can continue
It doesn't.
It means I can fight the tears
For now...

I save them for when I get home
For when no one is around
For when I can be weak

I'm not all tears
But I'm not all happiness

Anger is a rare emotion for me
I don't like to be angry
I get angry over little things

I can get over them
Please don't be mad
I'm sorry

I yell and shout
I hurt.
I'm sorry

I feel bad that people get mad at me
Or I get mad at you
I usually get hurt just seeing or thinking about you

I hate it.
I don't do anger
It hurts.

Listen to me ramble about tears and emotions
I sound so...emotional.
I don't usually show emotions.
Maybe that's why I write.
To get my bottled up emotions out?
I'm so used to holding them inside that this feels weird.

Now that I've let everything out
I'll let you decide whether I'm a human or robot.
I hope you all think I'm a human.
It would be terrible to be robot