you only live once

You know when you love someone
You know straight away
You know when your in love
Because you think of them all day

That day turns to a week
That week turns to a fortnight
You know that you truely love someone
When they make you feel this right!

That love turns into doubt
Those days, feel like years
You wonder do they feel the same way
Your screaming it but knowone hears

That person that made your heart miss a beat
That person that swept you off your feet
Is now no longer worth the slack
All because your doubts held you back.

If you feel so strongly about someone
Dont let your doubts get a hold
I know from experiance you'll get hurt
Play the game, your heart cant be sold!

You only live once
You only have one chance
The time you have is wasting
Live, Love, Party and dance!