Literature, Among Other Things

Her face was a stichomythy
and her body a soliloquy.

You have changed.
You have changed.
Your hair has darkened,
your features diminished,
the Christmas lights behind
them replaced with low-wattage
all-purpose bulbs.
And I could swear you've gotten shorter.

It's as if you switched your skeleton overnight
in that great skeleton superstore in the sky,
and on top of it draped a new skin,
like maybe they were offering a discount on skins too.

Once upon a time, our bodies dialogued,
iambs and trochees colliding and spinning in the dark.
an epic.

Oh, why? Why have you left this land of stories?
Was it something I did?
Oh, God, please twist this plot.
For I've a bad feeling about the epilogue.