My Wivering Friend

I am always there my wivering friend,
Never leaving you in your time of need.
I am your rock that's a solid extreme,
But now I melt fore I have strong need now.

You have always needed me but for once,
You need to think of me for I'm dying.
Though when I tell you, you flee far and wide,
Leaving me in the dust of the lost fear.

Oh lost fear, why me? And old friend why flee?
For I'm lost and alone in this unknown.
Though, is not everything an unknown?
Cannot everything lead to aform of death?

For my old wivering friend is to me,
Along with the dust falling around me.

This dust of course had been something before,
Love, Hate, Truth, Lies, Friends, Foes, Anything,
A tree, A fish, A book, The world before.
What a ponder this is but, it is not.

For these thoughts have complete sense.
Everthing is unknown even death, itself.
Though it is the only guarantee here,
It is in many forms of different aspects.

For every second something is done
It is a death.