A bully on the playground.

Your words surrond me;
Like a bully on a playground.
It haunts me in my sleep.
I thought it was enough torture just from the scars you left me.
I still have marks,
From where you'd grab me.
Never letting go,
And I'd think it was my last time to take a breathe.
I still have bruises,
They're on my heart.
They won't leave,
I remember how it all had a start.
First, it was tight hugs.
Then pulling on my arms.
Next, I found myself being punched over and over.
"I'm sorry, I didn't flirt. I promise you!"
But that never stopped you.
You see, from everything you've done;
I think it's better I leave,
Than see everything you try to hide from me.
I've been watching from the back seat for far too long,
It's hard to see you with her;
It's hard to stay strong.
With all these painful memories,
From the punches in the gut, to my heart.
So, I'll leave in silence,
You'll never say goodbye.
'Cause, I'm scared of you.
And I see destruction in your eyes.
So I'm leaving now,
Don't see me again.
Everything you've done to me.
They're ending, NOW.