The Unexplainable Emptiness

You can't explain it,
What it is or how you obtained it.
It's just there,
Eats away at you until you're full of air.

Is this how you want to exist?
You don't know how to put what you're feeling into words,
You struggle just to divide it all up into thirds.

What is all of this and why is there nothing to do about it?
Your mind, body and soul are all one empty pit.
So you'll lie in bed for hours to come,
Looking for answers online, to this you have succumb.

Forget about everything else in your life
You're being stabbed repeatedly by this large knife.
You try to just get up and go,
But you're tugged down, part of a big puppet show.

Why can't you just get your life going?
You're desire to be here is quite the opposite of growing.
Why are you frozen in place?
Where is that someone or something to fill all this empty space?

The only people you've found have made this gaping whole larger,
They've loved you, held you, then torn you apart.
Was this their goal straight from the start?
Do they want to see you fall to the ground?

Because when you did they weren't around.
You've tried so hard to get back up
But what's the point in trying so hard
Just sit here and curl up.

Hold your knees to your chest,
The pain is too much.
Squeeze your sides
Until everything in you collides.

You can't take it any longer,
You need to be stronger.
But instead you sit here looking for answers
Late at night, you'll stay up forever
Why do you get nothing out of this endeavor?

What is this space you can not seem to fill?
The most painful emptiness, it could kill.
Where it came from, you may never find out.
You are so empty, no breath to shout.

Scream out your pain from the lungs that you lack
Let everyone know you're about to crack.