You Got What You Wanted

I love you
Why don’t you love me
You say you fucking hate me
You want me dead
You don’t care any more
This is all a misunderstanding
But you won’t listen
So you scream
And yell
And hit me
I run outside
Into to the cold night
It’s snowing
I’m still running
I run home
To the bathroom
I’m crying so hard
Then I hear a knock on the door
It’s you
You say you’re sorry
I don’t believe you
I see my razor
It’s calling me
I answer
One cut
It stings but I want more
Two still want more
I watch the blood drip to the sink
On my forth I fucking love the way it fells
I’m on my sixth when I fell dizzy
I fall to the ground
You came in
But you’re too late
I’m dead now
Looks like you got what you wanted