That Kind of Cold

That Kind of Cold
October 19, 2008

Full skirt
Toe socks

Woolly pants
Bare plants
Beanie caps
Cold snaps

Numbing fingers
Sounds that linger
Smells that don’t
Hurts that won’t

Rudolph’s nose
New wind blows
Sharper air
‘Course I care

Crisp lungs
Pole-stuck tongues
Icy pavement
Such contentment

Frosty windshield
Lips are sealed
Blanketed laughter
Happy ever after

Noises cut night
Just right to write
Silky skies
Grand prize

Sequined stars
Ruby-red Mars
Just the ticket

Truck bed
Raisin bread
Bass-beat thumps

Street lamps
Hot tea
You and me

Waiting for cold
That freezes frowns
And leaves you straining
For the sounds
That Echo made us
Way Back When
That’s the cold
Of now
And then