I've Gone Brain Dead

Today i sat down to tell you who I was
I thought and I thought but
Nothing came to mind
I could tell you my faveorite colour
Its blue....
Or maybe red
My faveorite food is....
well, I'm not all that sure
Am I supposed to know these things?
Is this something you should know?
You see, I can't remember
I really just don't know
If these make up who I am
Am I nothing?
If I can't tell you who I want to be
then will I be no one?
If I get stuck here
Is it still possible for me to move?
If I get lost here
Is it possible to be found?
I am me
Here and now
Whoever that is
Or whoever I may be
This is who I am
So even though I'd like to tell you
at this exact point in time
I'm not sure I could
Because nothing comes to mind